miércoles, mayo 04, 2005

Trabajo de campo paralelo

Qué es la ´patafísica? mi abuela siempre me lo pregunta.
Creo que una buena manera de intentar averiguarlo es a través del Googlism.
Esta técnica tiene en cuenta lo que Google piensa de una persona, un tema, un lugar, etc.


Googlism for: pataphysics
pataphysics is the end of all ends
pataphysics is the science of the realm beyond metaphysics; or
pataphysics is pleased to announce the
pataphysics is a science
pataphysics is quite simply the best class i've ever taught
pataphysics is the shield between us and the void
pataphysics is a science invented by ourselves and whose business is bursting
pataphysics is the science of the realm beyond
pataphysics is to have confirmed that there is no metaphysical justification for forcing everybody to believe in the same absurdity
pataphysics is as if matter and antimatter were locked in carnal embrace
pataphysics is continued by the college de 'pataphysique
pataphysics is that science
pataphysics is also not responsible for the content of any sites which may be linked from this site
pataphysics is assisting broadcast telephone systems with advertising and public relations activities
pataphysics is the science of the particular
pataphysics is whimsical metaphysics
pataphysics is among laaban’s
pataphysics is about
pataphysics is a branch of science which we have invented and for which a crying need is generally experienced
pataphysics is to metaphysics
pataphysics is the science of imaginary solutions…and
pataphysics is inherently dubious
pataphysics is primarily concerned with the present and future
pataphysics is the science…
pataphysics is a speculative space where the impostor reveals truths and has the power to make the hypothetical a reality
pataphysics is our purpose and the general is always there to enforce the groove
pataphysics is a subspecies
pataphysics is the science of that which
pataphysics is working on this very question
pataphysics is astonishing
pataphysics is the "science of imaginary solutions
pataphysics is the science of exceptions
pataphysics is that it is the facade of a facade
pataphysics is to metaphysics as metaphysics is to physics in one direction or another
pataphysics is on a site which is neither in the book nor outside it because it deals with the imagination
pataphysics is a loser
pataphysics is the science of imaginary solutions
pataphysics is
pataphysics is the face
pataphysics is the study and philosophy of that which is beyond metaphysics
pataphysics is the science of laws that govern exceptions
pataphysics is the branch of
pataphysics is the modern word which comes to mind
pataphysics is boring than i'm the
pataphysics is boring than i'm the most boring person on the face of the planet"
pataphysics is ironic
pataphysics is the science
pataphysics is never off
pataphysics is the science of
pataphysics is the science of particulars and imaginary solutions; social
pataphysics is as far beyond metaphysics as metaphysics is beyond physics
pataphysics is deeply involved

Googlism for: alfred jarry
alfred jarry is chiefly known as the creator of ubu
alfred jarry is now published as number eight in the atlas anti
alfred jarry is best known for his satirical and farcical ubu roi
alfred jarry is the author of these two titles
alfred jarry is especially remembered for his play ubu roi
alfred jarry is not only the creator of ubu
alfred jarry is best known for shocking paris in 1896 with his controversial play ubu roi
alfred jarry is best known for
alfred jarry is "alfred jary
alfred jarry is born
alfred jarry is born at laval in brittany
alfred jarry is talking to a giant pink rat on spanish television
alfred jarry is writing shocking words and nearby marie curie is refining the first milligram of radium
alfred jarry is cheifly known as the creator of ubu
alfred jarry is a big inspiration to me
alfred jarry is back
alfred jarry is an important predecessor of the absurd theatre
alfred jarry is the grandfather of modern day surrealism
alfred jarry is often considered the father of absurd drama
alfred jarry is another quintessential
alfred jarry is het eerste deel van een serie ubustukken

Googlism for: faustroll
faustroll is a hallucinogenic cross between lewis carroll & jules verne
faustroll is imperturbable
faustroll is
faustroll is named for alfred jarry's 'pataphysician
faustroll is the elliptical translator par excellence
faustroll is born full
faustroll is not the first great thinker to go out in search of a “universe supplementary to this one”
faustroll is by any measure a baffling and inscrutable work
faustroll is a hallucinogenic cross between lewis carroll and jules verne

Creo que todo está muy claro

1 comentario:

Unknown dijo...

català/ castellano/ english


Recomanem reservar entrada al telèfon o a l’e-mail de L’Antic teatre- L’Espai de Creació
(obert de Dilluns a Divendres de 12:00 a 23:30, Dissabtes i Diumenges de 12:00 a 24:00/ servei de bar i terrassa)

Dijous 1, Divendres 2 i Dissabte 3 a les 21:00hs
Diumenge 4 a les 20:00hs
Dimecres 7, Dijous 8, Divendres 9 i Dissabte 10 a les 21:00hs

“L’armadura de l’absolut” – Teatre - 6 €

“L’Armadura de l’Absolut” és una descripció del triomf d’una sola consciència individual sobre una “orgia intrusa de la inconsciència col.lectiva”. És una obra sobre l’intent de preservar-se un mateix de la malalta vida quotidiana a través de la proliferació d’universos imaginats, màscares i postures inventades. Des que era jove, Alfred Jarry estigué ocupat documentant i cartografiant la seva ontogènesis, que és l’estudi d’un organisme des de la seva fase embrionària fins les seves formes més evolucionades. A través dels seus escrits i manifestacions, Jarry il.lustra i modifica els seus processos despietats com una sèrie d’estadis recursius en espiral, que generaren a tots el nivells una literatura i teatre que remarca la tensió entre unes realitats assumides quasi equilibrades i uns universos suplementaris creats intencionadament. La seva continua expansió entre ell i el ramat, aquest patró que constituïa la seva llibertat personal, fou una individualització perpètua –això és, la vida mateixa- que li permeté una transformació del dia a dia en un autèntic teatre del metamorfisme.

Fitxa artística:
Direcció, música: Patrick Sims
Amb: Mafalda da Camara, Richard Penny, Josephine Biereye, Philippe Hauer
Tècnic: Julian Weare

L’univers creat per Buchinger’s Boot és com una sala de les meravelles –on un ésser o objecte extraordinari és substituït per un altre cada cop més singular. Hi fan especial presència les marionetes i artefactes fets d’ossos, fusta, metall, plantes, insectes, bactèries, animals i les seves còpies artificials (farcides, conservades, antropomorfitzades, mecanitzades)... eines, instruments estranys, tot per i.lluminar, agradar i horroritzar la vista.


Recomendamos reservar entrada al teléfono o al e-mail de L’Antic teatre - Espai de creació

(abierto de Lunes a Viernes de 12:00 a 23:30, Sábados y Domingos de 12:00 a 24:00 / servicio de bar y terraza)

Jueves 1, viernes 2 y sábado 3 a las 21:00hs
Domingo 4 a las 20:00hs
Miércoles 7, jueves 8, viernes 9 y sábado 10 a las 21:00hs

“La armadura del absoluto” – Teatro - 6 €

“La Armadura del Absoluto” es una descripción del triunfo de una sola consciencia individual sobre una “orgía intrusa de la inconsciencia colectiva”. Es una obra sobre el intento de preservarse, uno mismo de la enferma vida cotidiana a través de la proliferación de universos imaginados, máscaras y posturas inventadas. Desde que era joven, Alfred Jarry, estuvo ocupado documentándose y cartografiando su ontogénesis, que es el estudio de un organismo desde su fase embrionaria hasta sus formas más evolucionadas. A través de sus escritos y manifestaciones, Jarry ilustra y modifica sus procesos despiadados como una serie de estados recursivos en espiral, que generarán a todos los niveles, una literatura y teatro que remarca la tensión entre unas realidades asumidas casi equilibradas y unos universos suplementarios creados intencionadamente. Su continua expansión entre él y el rebaño, este patrón que constituía su libertad personal, fue una individualización perpetua –eso es, la vida misma- que le permitió una transformación del día a día en un auténtico teatro del metamorfismo.

El universo creado por Buchinger’s Boot es como una sala de las maravillas –donde un ser o un objeto extraordinario es sustituido por otro cada vez más singular. Tienen especial presencia las marionetas y artefactos hechos de huesos, madera, metal, plantas, insectos, bacterias, animales y sus copias artificiales (rellenas, conservadas, antropomorfizadas, mecanizadas)… herramientas, instrumentos extraños, todo para iluminar, agradar y horrorizar la vista.


We recommend to make reservations by phone or by sending an e-mail to the L’Antic teatre- espai de Creació

(open from Monday to Friday from 12:00 to 23:30, Saturdays and Sundays from 12:00 to 24:00/ bar service and terrace)

Thursday 1, Friday 2 and Saturday 3 at 9:00 pm
Sunday 4 at 8:00 pm
Wednesday 7, Thursday 8, Friday 9 and Saturday 10 at 9:00 pm

“The Armature of the Absolute” – Theatre - 6 €

The Armature of the Absolute is a depiction of the triumph of a single individual consciousness over a “trespassing orgy of the collective unconscious.” It is a work about the attempt to preserve oneself from sickened everyday life through the proliferation of imagined universes, masks and invented postures. From his youth onward, Alfred Jarry was occupied with the documenting and mapping of his own ontogenesis, which is the study of an organism from its most embryonic to its most evolved of forms. Throughout his writings and manifestations, Jarry illustrated and modified his unrelenting process as a series of spiraling recursive stages, that generated at all levels, a literature and drama that highlight a tension between the opposing barely-stable, assumed realities and willfully-created, supplementary universes. His non-stop expansion between himself and the herd, this yardstick which constituted personal freedom, was a perpetual individuation- that is, life itself- which allowed for him a transformation of the everyday into a veritable theatre of metamorphosis.

Direction and music by: Patrick Sims
Light and Sound: Julian Weare
Cast: Mafalda da Camara, Richard Penny, Josephine Biereye, Philippe Hauer

The universe created by Buchinger’s Boot is like a chamber of wonders- where one extraordinary object or being replaces another, each time more singular than before. This transient world contains all significant things and rarities created by both nature and man, where nothing human is alien. Particularly present are marionettes and sets made from bones, woods, metals, plants, insects, bacteria, animals and their artificial copies (stuffed, preserved, anthropomorphisized, mechanized)… tools, foreign instruments, all that enlighten, please and horrify the eye.

L’Antic Teatre - L’Espai de Creació
C/ Verdaguer i Callis 12
08003 Barcelona, Spain
Tel: +34 93 315 23 54
Fax: +34 93 513 2474